Genre: Action | Horror | Sci-Fi
Directed by: Scott Charles Stewart
Starring: Paul Bettany, Cam Gigandet and Maggie Q
Plot: For centuries, a war has existed between the humans and the vampires. This conflict has devastated the planet's surface, making it unable to support life. The whole world became a theocracy under the mandate of a fictional organization known only as "The Church", made up of Catholic theocratic clergy, which constructed walled cities to protect mankind and an elite group of warriors to turn the tide against the vampires. They were dubbed "Priests"—humans blessed by God who were capable of slaying vampires. The majority of the vampires were killed, while the remainder were placed in reservations. With the war over, the Clergy, fearing what they had created, disbanded the Priests. Outside the cities, humans live free from the totalitarian control of the Church.

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